Friday, October 31, 2008

Review For Chapter 11 and 12 Quiz on Monday

Hi - Our Quiz on Monday will have 30 questions - 15 questions from each Chapter
and 4 Genetics Problems on each of the following topics:

Email me if you have questions about this topic at

a. Incomplete Dominance
b. Dihybrid Problem
c. Codominance
d. X-linked problem

Solutions to Today's Quiz which is here
1. a 2. e 3. d 4. c 5. a 6. c 7. d 8. c 9. b 10. b 11. c 12. b 13. a 14. d
15. d 16. e (won't cover this topic until chapter 19!!! - this won't be on quiz! sorry)

In Japanese four o'clock plants red (R) color is incompletely dominant over white (r) flowers, and the heterozygous condition (Rr) results in plants with pink flowers. Cross a Pink Flower with a Pink Flower.

Dihybrid Problem

If Green is dominant to yellow and Round is dominant to wrinkled what is the result of the cross.

Remember differences in Blood Types are based on Antigens present on the surface of the cell.

Crosses for Blood Types would look like this

X-linked Problem: Cross a female carrier for color blindness with a normal male. What is the expected outcome of their children?

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