Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Chapter 45 and 46 Questions Due January 6th!!!

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Chapter 45 Questions

1.What is a population?
2.What are four characteristics of populations?
3.Describe the three patterns that populations can be dispersed in:
a. clumped b. uniform c. random
4. How can you determine the number of animals in a particular area?
5. What four factors affect population size?
6. What is zero population growth?
7. What is the growth rate formula?
8. What is biotic potential?
9. Name three parameters which influence why biotic potential varies from species to species.
10. Explain the three limits of growth on populations.
a. Density dependent
b. Carrying capacity and logistic growth
c. Density Independent limit
11. What is a life table?
12. What is a survivorship curve? Explain Type I, Type II, and Type III
13. What factors affected human population growth? (Name 3)
14. What is total fertility rate?
15. How does age structure influence population growth?
16. Describe the four stages of the demographic transition model:
a. preindustrial
b. transitional
c. industrial
d. postindustrial
17. What % of the world’s goods does the US use? What % of the population does the US represent?

Chapter 46 Questions

1. Define the following ecological terms: habitat, niche, community, symbiotic, competition, predation, parasitism, and mutualism.
2. What five factors shape a community?
3. Compare and contrast facultative and obligatory mutualism.
4. Compare and contrast interspecific and intraspecific competition.
5. Explain the theory of competitive exclusion.
6. Explain the Type I, Type II, and Type III models of Predator/Prey interactions.
7. Explain the relationship between the Canadian lynx and snowshoe hare.
8. Discuss four types of prey defenses.
9. What are parasites and parasitoids.
10. Discuss five attributes that make parasites and parasitoids good controls.
11. Explain the relationship between the cowbirds and the buffalo.
12. Explain the following terms: ecological succession, pioneer species, primary and secondary succession.
13. What are key stone species?
14. Name three ways geographic dispersal of species can occur.
15. What has been the result of the following exotic species?
a. alga Caulerpa
b. Kudzu
c. Rabbits in Autralia
16. What happens to the number of species as you move from the Arctic to temperate to tropical zones?
17. Name three reasons biodiversity is favored in the tropics.
18. Compare and contrast distance and area affect of islands.

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