Friday, January 23, 2009

Popuation Genetics Lab #8 Outline

Title: Population Genetics Lab #8


1st Paragraph: Discuss Hardy-Weinberg Law of Genetic Equilibrium. Discuss and define the equations and the conditions that must be met for a population to remain in equilibrium. Discuss objectives of the lab - to measure allele frequency in a population under various simulated popuations.

2nd paragraph:
Discuss five sections of the lab and their objective.
To estimate the frequency of the PTC tasting allele in a sample population by finding q.
To simulate a population of randomly mating heterozygous individuals with an initial gene frequency of 0.5 for the dominant allele and the recessive allele a and genotype frequencies of 0.25 AA, 0.5 Aa, and 0.25 aa.
To simulate selection by assuming the homozygous recessive individuals never survive and heterozygous and homozygous survive 100% of the time.
To simulate the heterozygous advantage.
To simulate an island population that is small. Populations do not interact.
Briefly describe the procedure for each simulation

3rd paragraph - Relate the lab to one of the themes in AP Biology

1. Science as a Process
2. Evolution
3. Energy Transfer
4. Continuity and Change
5. Relationship of Structure to Function
6. Regulation
7. Interdependence in Nature
8. Science, Technology, and Society


Use a Heading for Each of the Five Test we did and describe the procedure for Each Section
PTC Test
Hardy-Weinberg at Equilibrium
Heterozygous Advantage
Genetic Drift


You can use the attached data table from class and staple this after your procedure page as long as ALL of the calculations are compete. Data here


1st Paragraph - Briefly discuss purpose - to test allele frequency in a variety of situations & briefly restate Hardy Weinberg law of equilibrium.

2nd Paragraph - use your data and compare your initial allele frequency 0.25 AA, 0.5 AA, and 0.25 aa with your 5th generation allele frequency for each of the five conditions. Be specific and discuss how and why the value varies from the initial frequency. Did the results meet your expectations? How did the various conditions affect the results?

3rd paragraph - discuss errors in the lab or ways the lab could be improved. What extensions can be made for this lab?

4th paragraph - restate the significance of this lab to society and relate this lab to at least one of the major themes of AP Bio.

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