Monday, August 18, 2008

5 Important Ethologist

Konrad Lorenz - "Father of Ethology"

- Recognized the behavior of imprinting - irreversible rapid process where auditory & visual processes from parents induce young to follow parents.

- Young become attached to first moving object they encounter.

- Greylag geese raised by Konrad would follow him around.

Additionally Konrad Lorenz should the same could be said for inanimate objects...

Ivan Pavlov - "classical conditioning"
A stimulus can trigger a natural reflex based on learned practiced behaviors.

The dog associates the bell with food and begins to salivate.

BF Skinner - "operant conditioning

A matter of training using rewards and punishments. In this system a correct behavior results in a reward of food and an incorrect behavior triggers a punishment of an electric shock.

Karl Von Frisch - "Language of the Honey Bee"

- Discovered that honey bees have color vision.

- Discovered that bees use pheromones and the "waggle dance" to direct other bees to the food.

E.O. Wilson - Father of Biodiversity
Professor of Biology at Harvard University

Prolific writer of biology and research with a specific specialty in ants and their social behavior.

Considered a modern day Charles Darwin.

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